Contact & access
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Hotel Le Fruitier
3 rue Jules Ferry - Place des Costils
50800 Villedieu les Poêles
Getting there
By car
A84 motorway (1.5km from our establishment) - Exit 37 or 38
Follow signs for town centre - at the traffic lights by the church head towards the Tourist Office, and you will find us just opposite.
The Manéo coach service covers towns in the south of La Manche, with stops at the SNCF train station and Place des Costils in Villedieu les Poêles.
GPS co-ordinates: Longitude: -1.22087717056274 - Latitude 48.8366590100266
By train
SNCF railway station 800 metres away
On the direct line Paris Montparnasse Vaugirard to Granville
Journey time 3hrs 30mins - 5 trains a day in each direction.
Regional railway station: Granville
By plane
Airports at Caen Carpiquet (80 km), Cherbourg (113 km), Deauville (131km), Rennes St-Jacques (118 km), Dinard (98 km).